Practice Aptitude Tests 

What is an aptitude test?,numerical%20skills%2C%20amongst%20other%20things. 

An aptitude test is a way for employers to assess a candidate’s abilities through a variety of different testing formats. Aptitude tests will test your ability to perform tasks and react to situations at work. This includes problem-solving, prioritisation and numerical skills, amongst other things. The psychometric tests are multiple-choice and there is only ever one correct answer, your score is then marked and your level is compared against other candidates who have taken the same test as you. There are free tests online that you can take to gauge what sort of questions to expect when taking an aptitude test.

Our recruitment consultants are here to help you to prepare for every stage of the interview process, including the aptitude test. In the world of work today, organisations typically run multiple interview stages to make sure that the candidate they hire is the perfect person for the role. 

Why and how do you take an aptitude test?

Aptitude tests are a great way for a hiring manager to gauge a candidate’s suitability to a role. They are a tool used to see how candidates might deal with the challenges of the role they are interviewing for.

Aptitude tests are usually done via an online platform, however, businesses may invite you into the office to take these tests too. This depends on their recruitment processes.

Types of aptitude tests

There are a number of aptitude tests that a business can administer to candidates.

Apititude test Help Videos 

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