
What does a scriptwriter do? 

Scriptwriters are the incredibly talented people who write scripts for feature films, sitcoms, television dramas, radio plays, cartoons, TV adverts, West End musicals, and anything else you can think of where adlibbing actors just won’t suffice! 


Many scriptwriters have degrees in English, journalism or creative writing. However, scriptwriters from other academic backgrounds are actually very common. In fact, many successful scriptwriters don’t even have undergraduate degrees. Indeed, the industry is one that honours talent and ability in spite of academic credentials.

Scriptwriters can take short writing courses for training purposes. Postgraduate degrees aren’t necessary, but can provide essential training for those focusing on a specific area of scriptwriting.

Basically, all you need are excellent writing skills, an in-depth understanding of the acting process, the ability to create believable characters through well-written dialogue, excellent time management, stupendous research skills and a talent for networking.