Interactive Media

Interactive media designers create the overall look and feel of a wide range of interactive communication products. Using text, data, graphics, sound, animation and other digital and visual effects, interactive media designers may work on projects such as:

  • Web sites.

  • Off-line multimedia, such as DVD's and CD-ROM's.

  • Online learning materials.

  • Electronic games.

  • Enteractive television.

  • Public information centres or interactive screens found in museums and at exhibitions.

Why get into Internet, digital & interactive media?

Over the last ten years the internet industry really has exploded. Virtually every business relies on it and individuals get withdrawal systems without it.

Newspapers, magazines and other publications are beginning to disappear as digital media gets bigger and better. Social Media, cloud computing and 3D experiences are the norm now.

Considering that some of the largest companies in the world are in this arena (e.g. Google, Apple and Microsoft), opportunities for employment are now vast.

The internet is now deeply entrenched in our lives and influences almost everything, from medical records and banking, to flight tickets, news, and clothing. Even our social lives are now played out on the internet.

With the industry growing dramatically year on year, more graduate jobs need to be filled as new positions are created. For example, the position of social media manager didn’t even exist five years ago.

It is a fast growing industry, but competition for jobs is high, with more applicants than vacancies. Despite this, skilled staff are constantly in demand.

Jobs are often advertised in computing and specialist design publications such as New Media Age, Creative Review, Design Week and Edge. Other vacancy sources include specialist recruitment agencies, like Recruit Media ( or