Why take a gap year?

What is a Gap Year?

A gap year tends to be a year where an individual takes time away from full time education for many reasons.

Whether it's in the UK or abroad you could:

- work — paid or voluntary

- study

- travel, or a mix of all three!

Please click above for help with these options.

Why take a Gap Year?

Gap years are now seen as a way to improve your CV and to gain relevant work experience in a particular field, with employers actively employing people who have taken a gap year.

Whether you see a gap year as backpacking or taking time out, it's about living life to the full and realising that there is a world of opportunity out there just waiting to be explored...

What are the benefits of taking a gap year?

What are the benefits of taking a gap year?

  • New experiences - develop your skills. E.g. confidence

  • Meet new people

  • Save money

  • Experience for your CV

  • Gain more qualifications

  • Experience of the work place

  • Gain a better understanding of a career you may wish to pursue

  • Become more independent

Top Tips for your Gap Year:

  • Do your research - speak to people who've been there and done it. Have a search around the site and ask questions. We're here to give you the best possible gap year advice and information, so get stuck in!

  • Take time to plan and prepare - it can take 9-12 months to plan your gap year and to raise the funds, so make sure you give yourself time to prepare.

  • Budget, but don't get hung up on saving money at all costs so that you miss out on once-in-a-lifetime opportunities - have a reserve of money to fall back on. A gap year is about enjoying yourself - don't forget you can do that at home too!

  • Be open-minded - a gap year is all about new experiences. Often you'll find that the word you use most is 'yes'.

  • Use the time to make contacts - this is an important time to develop networks that could help you in your future career.

  • Enjoy every second and make the most of it!

Gay Year Videos

Africa & Asia Venture (AV) gap year presentation.mp4

Benefits of a gap year : tips for students

The Camp America Experience