United Nations Careers 

What is the United Nations ?

The United Nations was formed in 1945 and is made up of 193 member states. It is guuded by the purposes and principles contained in its founding Charter.  Although it has evolved over the years, it remains the one place on Earth where all the world’s nations can gather together, discuss common problems, and find shared solutions that benefit all of humanity.

What career areas are there within the united nations?

Areas include :

For more information on these areas click the links below:


What area is your expertise? 


Where would you like to work ?


staff categories 

The United Nations workforce is made up of different categories of staff. Within each category there are different levels, which reflect increasing levels of responsibilities and requirements.

These are the different categories of staff at the United Nations:

At the United Nations you progress in your career through merit and qualifications. There are, however, restrictions on movement between the different categories. For each category of job there is an assessment process. Moving from one category to another is tied to specific requirements.

For more information click here : https://careers.un.org/job-level

Get involved 

The UN Charter starts with "We the peoples."

There are many ways to get involved.

You can apply and become a staff member, a volunteer, or an intern. 

You can also connect with them on social media and help the global conversation on the issues facing humanity.

You can affiliate your NGO with the UN, or join the UN Global Compact, if you are in the private sector.

You can conduct research on the UN, teach courses on the UN, or cover the UN as a journalist.

Volunteering information  

Being a UN Volunteer is not a career (you are currently limited to four years of service), but it is rich with opportunities and experience and offers huge personal rewards.


YouTube Channel : https://www.youtube.com/@unitednations