What do we offer?

Cyber Security, Engineering,, Software Engineering, Chartered Manager, Sales, Power Technician, Customer Service, Digital. 



Employer information

When people connect, there’s no limit to the good they can do.

We’re one of the world’s leading communications services companies. The solutions we sell are integral to modern life. Our purpose is as simple as it is ambitious: we connect for good. There are no limits to what people can do when they connect. And as technology changes our world, connections are becoming even more important to everyday life.

Today, that’s truer than ever. The connections we make are helping solve the world’s biggest challenges such as the global pandemic, climate change and cyber security. Through the power of technology, we’re supporting customers to live, work and play together better.

We connect for good.

For more information : https://www.bt.com/about/bt


The latest vacancies across all industries (including virtual work experience) are advertised here and our work placement directory is here. 


We’re the UK’s number one private sector apprentice programme. Join us as an apprentice and you’ll get hands-on experience in one of the world’s leading tech companies. Our apprentices don’t just make coffee; they learn skills and win awards. They build brilliant careers. And they do amazing things along the way.

Please note: All of our apprentice schemes are subject to eligibility criteria.


Application Help 

There's a good reason why we make our recruitment process so rigorous. We want to be sure you’re the right fit for us and we’re the right fit for you. We want to make sure regardless of your role, that you get the most out of the apprenticeship, while helping us to connect for good. 

The video interview will allow us to see your personality, drive and motivation in action. This will help us work out whether you’re a good fit for your preferred BT apprenticeship. During the interview you’ll be asked specific questions relating to your chosen apprenticeship programme.

Here are our top tips to help you get ready:

The assessment centre is where we get to see you in action. Before you attend it’s worth thinking through the following points: 


Work Placement & Other Volunteering Opportunities

The latest vacancies in this industry (including virtual work experience) are advertised here and our work placement directory is here.