4th Grade Literacy

Welcome to our class website for 4th grade Literacy. This is where you'll find curriculum notes detailing what is happening in class as well as resources for ongoing learning as a family. This is a work in progress, so it will grow and change throughout our school year journey.

2023 Family Literacy Night

A copy of the resources that Amy and I shared at our Family Literacy Night to support spelling.

Spelling Games_UpperElem.pdf

2023 Back to School Night

A copy of the presentation from Back to School Night this year.

4th Literacy_Back to School Night_2023.pdf


One of the biggest questions families may have is in regards to homework. I firmly believe that the best homework 4th graders can do is to read, read, read. Every day. Please try to set aside 20 minutes (or more!) every day, even on the weekend, for your child to read. They can read to themselves, to anyone in their family, even to pets. Often, reading aloud to a pet makes a child less self-conscious about reading aloud and provides great oral fluency practice. Feel free to share books together, taking turns reading each page and talking about the story as you go. If you miss a day here and there, don't worry. But this truly makes a significant difference for kids - it affects their reading fluency, their reading enjoyment and comprehension, their vocabulary development, their background knowledge and more. 

About Kim

I value getting to know learners as individuals, and relationships are the heart of teaching and learning. I teach because I love to learn. I am passionate about teaching literacy, and I actively share my own reading life with students, reading both “kid-lit” and books written for grown-ups. I believe in the power of books to serve as mirrors where we can see ourselves reflected in some way, and I see books as windows as well, where we can peer into lives that differ from our own. Reading, especially reading widely, develops empathy, which circles back to relationships among learners. When I’m not at Bixby, I can often be found enjoying time outdoors and in the mountains, biking, playing tennis, cooking, gardening, and spending time with family and friends (often around a table playing board games).

Contact Info:

Kim Haines kimh@bixbyschool.org