Aakriti Agrawal

"Imagination is more important than knowledge" - Albert Einstein

Hi, I am a 3rd year Computer Science PhD student at the University of Maryland, College Park working with Prof Furong Huang. My current major research interest is on weak-to-strong LLM generation in line with OpenAI's super alignment work, where my focus is on utilizing multi-agent concepts to do it. I am also interested in developing robust poisoning methods for RLHF and DPO as well as  LLM safety training and personalization. Previously I have worked in reinforcement learning where my main focus was on developing robust and efficient multi-agent reinforcement learning algorithms.

Before this, I worked with Prof Dinesh Manocha during my MS at UMD. I also got opportunities to work with Prof Debasish Ghose, IISC, and Prof Nicolas Padoy, IHU during my undergrad.  
Please feel free to reach out if you want to know more about my research, contribute or collaborate. I am happy to discuss and mentor undergrad and master's students. Email: agrawal5@umd.edu



Robustness to Multi-Modal Environment Uncertainty in MARL using Curriculum Learning

Aakriti AgrawalRohith Aralikatti, Yanchao Sun, Furong Huang.

MASEC@NeurIPS 2023  (In review at ICLR'24)

Paper / Code 

Learning when to trust which teacher for weakly supervised ASR

 Aakriti Agrawal, Milind Rao, Anit Kumar Sahu, Gopinath (Nath) Chennupati, Andreas Stolcke

Interspeech 2023


Revisiting Parameter Sharing in Multi-Agent Deep Reinforcement Learning

J K Terry, Nathaniel Grammel, Sanghyun Son, Benjamin J Black, Aakriti Agrawal



RTAW: An Attention Inspired Reinforcement Learning Method for Multi-Robot Task Allocation in Warehouse Environments 

Aakriti Agrawal,  Amrit Singh Bedi,  Dinesh Manocha. 

ICRA 2023

Paper / Code 


DC-MRTA: Decentralized Multi-Robot Task Allocation and Navigation in Complex Environments

Aakriti Agrawal,  Senthil Arul Hariharan,  Amrit Singh Bedi,  Dinesh Manocha. 

IROS 2022

Paper / Code 

Accurate Estimation of 3D-Repetitive-Trajectories using Kalman Filter, Machine Learning and Curve-Fitting Method for High-speed Target Interception

 Aakriti Agrawal, Aashay Bhise, Rohitkumar Arasanipalai, Lima Agnel Tony, Shuvrangshu Jana, Debasish Ghose

Chapter in Book: "Artificial Intelligence for Robotics and Autonomous Systems Applications"


Real-time propeller fault detection and control of Quadcopter using Deep Reinforcement Learning

A Comparative Study of Noise Cancellation Using LMS Adaptive Filter and RNN Filter

 Aakriti Agrawal, Rohitkumar Arasanipalai, B Sainath

ICEPE 2018 conference
