
Spring Break

What are You doing over spring break? This is the question  students at Horizon were asked in a survey.  The majority of the students are either going on vacation, playing a sport, hanging out with friends, or gaming. Some of the sports included were state swimming, baseball, basketball, BMX, skiing, and snowboarding. Some of the games that students said they were planning on playing were Fortnite, 2K, and Roblox. If you were wondering, spring break starts March 16th which is Thursday, Friday, and then the weekend. The next question that was asked was, “If you are going on vacation, where are you going?” The most popular answer was Montana, mostly to ski or snowboard. Some other popular answers were Minnesota, Hawaii, Florida, and Texas. There are some people going to interesting places. Indonesia, the Bahamas, Italy, and South Africa are examples of that. The next question was who they were planning on spending their spring break with. The two main answers were family with 85 votes, and friends with 55 votes. The last question that was asked was if you could do anything over spring break, what would you do. If they could do anything, most people would choose to go on vacation. Two  Horizon students shared their spring break plans, Natalie Sabot and MeKayla Stordalen. Mekayla said that over spring break she was planning on spending time with her friends and family. Natalie said that she was planning on relaxing over spring break. To learn more about these interviews, watch them below! Hopefully all of you will do something fun over spring break, and spend lots of time with your friends and family. 

Interview with Natalie Sabot

communications video interview.mp4

Interview with Mekayla Stordalen


Spring Flowers

Have you ever wondered what the most popular flower is? Well, with spring coming up, you might be asking yourself this question.  Students at Horizon Middle School were surveyed to find out what the most popular flower is. The survey revealed that the most popular flower is a rose. Close behind the rose were tulips, lavender, and sunflowers. Students were also asked if they’re going to plant flowers this spring. Out of 148 students, only 56 of them are going to plant flowers. Lastly, they were asked what month they plant flowers in. The month that most people plant their flowers is May.  

Since roses are the most popular flower, here are some interesting facts about them. The scientific name for roses is rosa which is the word for a flower in Latin. Rosa is also a commonly known name. Roses are one of the oldest and most loved flowers. All of the varieties of flowers are consumable, but just make sure they haven’t been sprayed with weed repellent. The rose is a symbol of love and romance commonly used in movies for a flower to show their loved ones how they care. Roses can be grown for a long time; the oldest rose is 1,000 years old. The US national flower is the rose. Since it is the symbol of love, it symbolizes how Americans love their country and freedom. George Washington was one of the first rose breeders in America; he named one of the rose varieties after his mother. Also each rose color symbolizes a different meaning.

Fun facts about spring flowers

-Roses are associated with several different berries and food items. 

-Tulips cost more than gold in the 1600's by their weight.  

-Some flowers eat living things like flies, spiders, and several other insects. 

-The world's smallest flower is the Wolffia Australian, it is smaller than a chia seed.

- Did you know that the food broccoli is actually a flower? It's a flower that is in the Brassica family. It has both female and male flower parts. 

-Titan Arum is a big smelly flower; the fruits on this flower are poisonous and can actually kill a human if consumed.

Hopefully, you’ve learned something new about flowers, and maybe you will even plant some now this spring! Happy spring!! 

Cited Sources

Works Cited

“10 Fascinating Facts about Roses That Will Simply Astonish You.” Thesmellofroses.com, 2022, www.thesmellofroses.com/posts/10-fascinating-facts-about-roses-that-will-simply-astonish-you. Accessed 13 Mar. 2023.

Aika. “Everyday Flowers and Balloons.” Everyday Flowers and Balloons, 29 Dec. 2022, www.everydayflowersandballoons.com/blog/floral-arrangements/10-interesting-facts-about-flowers/625. Accessed 13 Mar. 2023.

“Bubbles and Empty Seats: How Each pro Sport Plans to Come Back amid Pandemic.” NPR, 11 June 2020, www.npr.org/2020/06/11/874311586/bubbles-and-empty-seats-pro-sports-forge-ahead-with-comebacks-despite-the-pandem. Accessed 13 Mar. 2023.

Connery, Ana, and Chloë Nannestad. “Best Florida Beaches Locals Want to Keep Secret.” Reader’s Digest, Reader’s Digest, 8 July 2021, www.rd.com/list/best-florida-beaches/. Accessed 13 Mar. 2023.

“Fun Facts about Flowers.” Fabulous Flowers, 2021, www.fabulousflowers.co.za/a/blog/fun-facts-about-flowers. Accessed 13 Mar. 2023.

Maffia, Nancy. “10 Fun Facts about Tulips.” 1800Flowers Petal Talk, 1-800-Flowers.com, 8 Mar. 2022, www.1800flowers.com/blog/flower-facts/tulip-facts/. Accessed 13 Mar. 2023.

“Meeting Friends in College.” College-Bound Colorado, 2018, www.unco.edu/college-bound-colorado/meeting-friends-in-college.aspx. Accessed 13 Mar. 2023.

“Rose: Name Meaning, Origin, Popularity, & Inspiration  - FamilyEducation.” FamilyEducation, 2019, www.familyeducation.com/baby-names/name-meaning/rose. Accessed 13 Mar. 2023.

“Roses Subscription.” Rose Farmers, 2023, rosefarmers.com/products/monthly-flowers-rose-subscription. Accessed 14 Mar. 2023.

Sabot, Natalie. Spring Break Interview NS. 7 Mar. 2023.

“Spring Break.” Google Docs, 2019, docs.google.com/forms/d/1H5rdcrytUvGVNl_FymH90yVJV3O79Ei8y_2Is8f-bYY/edit. Accessed 13 Mar. 2023.

“Spring Flowers.” Google Docs, 2019, docs.google.com/forms/d/1GCsXSqkBQ3dNs4_9gDS75dUN2-Ty_U0FfEZ4kHNPh08/edit. Accessed 13 Mar. 2023.

Stordalen, MeKayla. Spring Break Interview MS. 7 Mar. 2023.

By: Ava, Hanna, and Valentina