Student Council Conference

Jordan communicating with her team

What is the StuCo Conference...

"It is a statewide conference for all middle school representatives. State officers (Middle School Vice President and President) are elected, and it's a chance for people from different towns & sizes of schools to collaborate on how they can positively impact their own schools."

                    • Ms. Tufte - Adviser

An Interview with Ms.Tufte

Ms. Tufte, the eighth grade Storm science teacher, is the student council adviser for Horizon Middle School. She has been the adviser for 7 years; throughout those years she's been affected in a positive way. Being adviser has given her an opportunity to make connections with students from other grade levels, and help her develop leadership skills in future leaders to come. Being adviser puts her in a leader position, and being in charge gives you jobs and tasks as we all know. She is the main organizer of certain events, communicates with parents and students, and handles the financial part of the council. In the future she hopes to accomplish a few things, she wants to involve student council in more school wide decisions that impact the students that go there, and to give back to students and staff because of the effort put into the school.

An Interview with Jordan Sievert

Jordan ran for 2019 State Student Council President. Unfortunately, she didn't make it, but she still met new people and had fun. If Jordan made president, she hoped to accomplish a platform of communication, and a centralized social media where schools around the state could communicate and share ideas. The conference went well, she lost her voice in the process but she had fun, making new friends, participating in karaoke, and getting closer with her team. "It's really overwhelming and I went through a lot of anxiety while campaigning, but I still had fun" Jordan says.

Written by: Alexis Meyers & Rei Ogden