Wellbeing Events & Workshops

There are a number of wellbeing workshops and lunchtime drop-in sessions to support pupil's emotional and mental health.  If you feel that you would benefit from support please speak to Miss Palmer (B20), your Progress Leader or House Safeguarding Officer.

Evolve Youth Work Drop-In, open to all pupils, every Monday lunchtime, based at ELEV8. 

Youth workers are available to offer well-being activities and advice for pupils.

Drop-in session every Wednesday with our School Nurse, Lowrie Orchard. 

Hello my name is Kelly Berry and I am the new school nurse for Bishop Gore and feeder primaries.  I provide a drop in service every Wednesday lunchtime for any pupils who wish to come and discuss any matters relating to their physical or emotional health. The School Nursing service can provide health education, promotion, advice and support for all children, young people and their families.  Should you require any support from myself or the school nursing team you can do so by contacting the school or by emailing SBU.SchoolNursing@wales.nhs.uk.  More information about the School Nursing service can be found on our website: School Nursing and Looked After Children Services - Swansea Bay University Health Board (nhs.wales)