Frequently Asked Questions

What is your late work policy?

I follow BISD district guidelines for late work. Students have a 2-day window to complete assignments; however, points will be deducted. After one day, students will lose 10 points, and 30 points after the second day. After the third day, students will receive a 0 for the assignment. 

Can I do corrections?

Students make corrections on summative (test) grades only.  Students are only allowed to do corrections if they fail as assessment. A failing grade is anything below a 70. The format of the assessment may be modified but will cover the same content. Students can earn up to a 70% on the reassessment, as per BISD grading policy.  Reassessments must be completed within one week of  the student receiving their grade.

Students cannot correct formative (daily) grades.

*If a six week's average is below a 70, a retest can be done even if  summative score was passing. However, this is up to teacher discretion.

Can I do extra credit?

As a general rule, I do not offer extra credit opportunities. However, if I feel that extra credit should be an option, it is offered to all my students, not individually. 

How often do you put in grades?

I do my best to stay on top of grades and try to grade an assignment within a week of the due date. Assignments that were submitted late are graded after I am done grading the work that was turned in on time.

How often do you update your calendar/website?

I update the calendar weekly, so check back Monday mornings to see the weekly agenda and any homework assignments for the week.

Unit lengths vary. However, most last about 6 weeks. Check at the start of each new grading period to get an overview of what your student will be studying during the unit.

How soon do you respond to emails?

I try to respond to emails within 24 hours of receiving them. After work, I love spending time with my husband and children, so I will not always respond after I leave work and do not respond over the weekend. 

What is the best way to contact Mrs. Boiles?

Due to class schedules and unexpected events, phone calls are not always the best way to get in contact with me. Email is my preferred method of contact. However, I do return phone calls and respect your choice of preferred method of contact that you selected when completing the parents survey.

Haven't completed the Parent Survey yet? Click here to complete it.

Do you offer tutorials?

Tutorials are offered during the day. If your student would like additional tutoring, please email me.

English Tutorials:

Monday/Wednesday/Friday: 11:50-12:35

Practical Writing Tutorials:

Tuesday/Thursday: 12:35-1:20