
Briggs: We recently just had our extra life event on Friday and it was one of the funnest times of my life and an amazing experience. We had so much food so I was stuffed, and playing video games was the best too especially with my friends, plus I did a lot of live streams so a lot of people got to see what we were doing. It was just a lot of fun being able to go to an event where we play video games with friends to raise money for a good cause.

Chris: The event would have to be my highlight of the year so far. I enjoyed spending time with my friends and playing games all for a good cause. I hope next year we can come back and do it again.

Kenny: I helped film am little but the majority of the time i was in my room live streaming and doing video games on other consoles to relieve money to help the kids in need of help. It was supper fun and i want to do it again. I also went around and asked trey and other gamers in the other rooms to see i they needed drinks or snacks so they didn't have to get up and quit raising money for a snack.

Riley: I had a lot of fun during the event, we relaxed and talked the whole time.The best thing at the event was that we got to raise money. Raise more money and played games to raise money. I am proud that I stayed up for over 24 hours.

Kylie: I think it was a big turn out, it was very fun and I enjoyed it. Extra Life is a website to help children in the hospital and we raised over $2000!!!

Rory: I had so much fun during the Extra Life event that happened last Friday. The best thing about the event was hanging out with my friends and raising money for Cook Children's. It makes you feel good when you are supporting a great cause like Extra Life and the amazing things that they are doing. I should have streamed more. Me and Cole tried to stream during the daylight and it didn't turn out well, we should have at least tried to stream again. Mrs. Morgan couldn't have done anything differently, she did a good job. I am most proud of getting 2 viewers on my stream, although that doesn't seem like a lot, that is two people that chose to watch my stream.

Thomas: At the Extra Life event, we raised a total of $2,380 but it was so much fun. The best thing about the event was probably the initial setup, learning how to reach out to companies for sponsorships, designing the t-shirts, presenting the idea, and having it all work out in the long run makes me feel so successful. I think the main thing we needed was a more strict method of sharing the posts through social media, most people posted about it but others didn't. Most of the contributions were from family and they only went to four people, Matthew, Trey, Chris and I. I think the way Mrs. Morgan facilitated was very good, for the most part we were under control, but the crazy people were just people being stupid. I'm proud that I was the host and this event will reflect positively on me and my brand. Hopefully this will help me reach out to the same companies in the future so we can have more collabs in the future.

Trey: I had a lot of fun. The best thing about the event for me was that I got to hang out with all of my friends. Honestly I contributed pretty well and didn't cause problems, I participated in the smash tournament, and I streamed. Mrs.Morgan did really good on the event too I don't think she could have done any better. I'm most proud that I actually raised money for the event.

Jacob: I had a super fun time at extra life and I think you should do that next year and invite the 8th graders back for an even better time.