My philosophy is...

My class, your child – our success!


I'm Mrs. Bagwell!

I'm so looking forward to getting to know each and every one of my Stribling families this year!

This will be my 5th year at Stribling and marks my 8th year teaching.

As your child's teacher...

my goal is to make a positive impact on every child

and to maximize their learning potentials as if he or she were my own.

I strive to...

teach my students to be more independent as well as help build confidence in order to overcome adversity so that they may be a shining individual.

As a class...

we not only learn from one another, but we also appreciate, value, and respect others’

ideas; we grow from the knowledge we share!

"We have an infinite amount to learn both from nature and from each other" - John Glenn


Colors: Royal Blue

Snacks/Treats: Dark Chocolate Almond

Drinks: Coffee, Unsweet Tea

Restaurants: Rosa's

Collectibles: Stars

Hobbies: Makeup

Stores: Amazon, Starbucks