Vicki Milander About Me

Welcome to Kindergarten

My name is Vicki Milander and teaching is one of my passions. Kindergarten is a magical and transformative year. I feel honored to be your child’s teacher through this amazing educational journey and I'm looking forward to a year full of fun, learning, and adventures.

This will be my 33rd year in the education field, my 30th year teaching at Wilkes Elementary, and my first-year teaching Kindergarten. Throughout my years in education, I have taught second, third, and fourth grades. My undergraduate degree is from the University of Idaho in Moscow, Idaho. After teaching a few years at Talbot Hill Elementary in Renton, WA, I married my husband and earned my master’s in education at Seattle Pacific University. We have lived on Bainbridge Island since 1990 and raised our four children through the Bainbridge Public Schools. In addition to family life and teaching, some of my other passions are singing, baking, house maintenance projects, horseback riding in Idaho, beachcombing, walking in nature, and having afternoon tea time with my husband.