Highly Capable

At Bainbridge Island School District


Please click on the link below for information about our Highly Capable Resources:

Highly Capable Testing

The student nomination period for the Highly Capable Program will be open September 4-21, 2020 for all students in grades 1-12. Students currently qualified as highly capable with BISD do not need to be nominated or assessed again. The Highly Capable Program serves students who show exceptional skill or promise in a content area(s). Students can be nominated by a parent/guardian, teacher/staff member, or community member. Nominated students will be administered a cognitive assessment in late September or October. A multi-disciplinary team of BISD educators will then review the cognitive assessment results. other standardized assessment results we have, and the parent and teacher rating scales to make a determination of eligibility.

The cognitive assessment, the Cognitive Abilities test, will need to be administered remotely this year, so we are unsure of the timeline for being able to complete all testing. We are hopeful to complete eligibility determination in early November. Parents/guardians will be notified of the results by mail.

Please refer to the Highly Capable information page on the BISD website for information on the Highly Capable program as well as the nomination form and parent rating scale. The nomination form and rating scale need to be delivered or mailed to the student's school office by 2:30 on September 21, 2020. School addresses are at the bottom of the schools homepage on their websites.

If you have questions about testing for Wilkes Elementary, please contact Jill Queen jqueen@bisd303.org or Jocelyn Jablonski jjablonski@bisd303.org.