Grading Policy

Our goal is for grades to reflect students’ levels of mastery. Frequently there will be work outside of class to prepare for tests and quizzes. We have systems in place for students to improve scores.

Tests: Approximately 40% of your grade.

Quizzes: Approximately 40% of your grade.

Homework: Homework is necessary practice to learn mathematics, as well as the best way to prepare for assessments. Homework will not be included as a percentage of your final grade (but is factored in as a portion of Class Engagement; see below). However, homework will be tracked as whether or not you completed it with a "best effort" mind set. In addition, we will always review our homework, mark our solutions as correct/incorrect, and then edit our mistakes for improved learning.

Class Engagement: Approximately 20% of your grade. Participation, effort, and homework/project completion is crucial for learning mathematics, especially in a remote environment.