
early screening of Dyslexia

Students in grades K-2 are screened for indications of or areas of weakness associated with dyslexia. Our district will use Multi-Tiered Systems of Support in grades K-2 communicate, and collaborate with parents and families about student literacy development, screening results, and potential literacy interventions.

These screenings are not a comprehensive assessment designed to diagnose a child with dyslexia. The screenings are designed to give valuable information to help teachers develop and implement reading instruction that meets students’ needs, particularly for those students who may show some signs of risk for reading difficulties.


Dyslexia is a specific learning disorder that is neurological in origin and that is characterized by unexpected difficulties with accurate or fluent word recognition and by poor spelling and decoding abilities that are not consistent with the person's intelligence, motivation, and sensory capabilities.

This definition of dyslexia is adopted by the 65th WA State Legislature, 2018 Regular Session.

For more information, OSPI About Dyslexia