Top 10 Banned Books of 2021

Who is challenging books?

In 2021, 39% of book challenges were done by parents. It seems that parents had some strong objections to books, which is their right. It is also your right to have the freedom to read. As a library patron you have the right to read any book of your choice; of course, if you are a minor, your parents/guardian may decide what kind of books you can read.

Where do books get challenged?

WOW!! Most books are challenged in libraries, 81% of challenges came from either public or school libraries. It's no wonder libraries are the first line of defense when it comes to censorship.

Why are books challenged?

As you see from this infographic, books are challenged for many reasons. Sexually explict material, LGBTQIA+ topics, and critical race theory were the top reasons why books were challenged in 2021. Just because a book is challenged, it does not mean it is not worth reading. Celebrate your freedom to read during Banned Books Week, by reading a book of your choice.

Top 10 of 2021

These were the Top 10 most challenged books of 2021. The American Library Association documented that 1,597 books were challenged in 2021, across the United States. Ultimately, 729 books were removed from library shelves due to their content.