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How do I make a successful Recharge experience?



Getting Started 

How do I register for the conference and enroll in sessions?

All employees will be registered by Belton ISD. You will get an email inviting you to set up your account and pick your sessions. See images below.

How do I know if I am required to attend Recharge on February 19th?

Recharge is a day of professional learning for all employees. Your campus administrator or supervisor will be able to answers questions concerning attendance for Recharge. 

What is "Expo of best practices"?

Expo is a new learning experience this year. Attendees have the unique opportunity to have one-on-one and/or small group discussions about the topics presented. 

The session I wanted to attend is full.

There is no waitlist for any sessions. If your 1st choice is full, please choose another session.