
Videos - linking curriculum to careers

Learning about Cold environments? - how does this link to careers?

How does my Geography fieldwork link to careers?

Learning about world economies and how it links to careers

Learning about Tropical climates? how does this link to careers?

How will Evaluation in Geography help me in the job market?

Learning about urban landscapes and how this helps you get a job!

Learning about Derserts? how does this link to careers?

Learning about physical landscapes and the link to the world of work

How does learning about natural hazards link to the job market?

What skills do employers like that I learn in Geography?

Learning about Energy management? how does this link to the job market?

Learning about food and resource management? how does that link to the job market?

Learning about Water? how does this link to the world of work?

Where can studying Geography take you? 

Lesson resources

Geog 1.pdf
geog 2.pptx
Geog homework.pdf

Display materials

GPWGbook Geography.pdf
GPWGposterA2 geography.pdf

Links to more

Humanities careers update

Apprenticeships info
