Mental Health Focus

Different areas of mental health and mental well-being are focused on each month with age-appropriate discussions and activities. Click below to learn more about each Focus area.

Friends in Need

Having good friends makes you happy. Friendships can be developed within families, in neighborhoods, and in schools. Sometimes, your friends might need your help if they feel sad, scared, angry, worried, or upset. You can help them by: 

Bullying Prevention

There are things you can do to keep yourself and the kids you know safe from bullying. Click below to find out.

Visit this website to learn more.

Coping Skills

Kids experience a vast array of feelings, just as adults do. They can feel bored, anxious, sad, disappointed, embarrassed, and scared—to name a few. It’s important to teach kids coping skills that can help them face their fears, calm themselves down, and cheer themselves up, such as:

Visit this website to learn more.

Depression & Anxiety

Sadness is a natural human emotion. Like other emotions, sad feelings come and go. Sometimes sad feelings last only a moment. Other times, sadness lasts longer or feels extra strong, which is sometimes considered depression. If you feel this way, you can:

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, such as Worry, Fear, or stress. If you feel anxious, you can: 

Visit this website to learn more.


When things go wrong, resilience is what helps you to cope and get through hard times. Sometimes it makes you even stronger than you were before. Ways to develop resilience include:

Visit this website to learn more.


Kindness might look like being helpful or showing empathy. It may mean doing nice things without expecting nice things in return. You can practice kindness by:

Visit this website to learn more.

Digital Citizenship

Digital citizenship is our ability to use technology and online sites in safe, responsible, and effective ways. You can do this by:

Visit this website to learn more.

Stress & regulating

Stress is what you feel when you are worried or uncomfortable about something. Many things can cause stress, such as homework, arguing with a friend, being busy, or family problems. ways you can manage or regulate stress include:

Visit this website to learn more.

Healthy Relationships

It is important to have healthy relationships with the people in your life, including your family members, friends, teachers, coaches, and other adults. Healthy relationships include:

Visit this website to learn more.