K-5 Education Program


We’ve set out in collaboration with the Green Schools National Network to develop new nature-inspired design experiences for elementary school students. These K-5 lessons uniquely incorporate biomimicry core concepts connected to Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), English Language Arts (ELA) standards, and Math standards, along with social and emotional learning core competencies. Integrating them into school systems will result in more innovative classrooms where young people gain an understanding of biomimicry while exploring the natural world. Essentially, they learn how to solve problems as nature does, and gain hope and agency in the process.

Our long term aim is that all K-5 students receive some element of nature-inspired education in their formative years.

Our short-term objectives are:

● Impact 5,000+ K-5 students over the next 3 years.

● Have students’ understanding of and interest in the positive relation between biomimicry and

environmental impact deepen.

● Show a positive impact on students’ abilities to think critically and creatively, solve problems,

and apply scientific knowledge.

● Demonstrate increased student agency, environmental optimism, and affinity for nature.

Ultimately, the project will result in the publication and distribution of proven biomimicry education content for K-5 students, and the framework for an ongoing program that continues access to compelling E-STEM education opportunities for years to come.


We have made significant progress in our first year of K-5 program development, and are well on our way to creating high-quality biomimicry lessons for students in Kindergarten - 5th grade.

  • Currently, 28 different teachers from around the U.S. (and one international in Romania) are trying out the first version of the lessons. Over 500 students are involved in this initial exposure to the lessons.

  • Each grade level includes at least 10 lessons (some more) to form a Biomimicry Unit that uses the biomimicry core concepts of reconnection, ethos, and emulation as their foundation.

  • The 60+ lessons are each between 45-60 minutes in length and mostly designed to be facilitated outdoors.

  • We developed a comprehensive first draft of a K-12 biomimicry learning progression to complement our existing K-12 curricula. The progression highlights key biomimicry learning objectives for grade levels/bands K, 1, 2, 3-5, 6-8, and 9-12, integrating ideas from many sources, including Next Generation Science Standards and the science of human cognitive development, among others.

  • A formal biomimicry professional development workshop, in conjunction with the updated lessons, is scheduled for July 26-27, 2021. This is designed for K-5 educators from around the country—deepening their understanding of biomimicry and turning them on to the lessons.

  • The final stage of lesson tryouts in elementary biomimicry units (10 lessons per grade level) are also complete, and a summer program in 2022 will prepare educators invited from 15 schools across the US for fall 2022 biomimicry lesson implementation.


In Year 2 of the project, we will go farther with the lesson development, getting more classrooms and students involved (goal being at least 1000 students would be experiencing the lessons in the fall of 2022).

Investment in a second program year and beyond ensures that we are able to complete the evaluation, research, strategy, planning, and outreach to create a long-term and sustainable program with growth similar to what we have seen with the Biomimicry Youth Design Challenge.

“I've become more aware of our environmental challenges, the miracles of evolution and nature, and gained more confidence and focus in my teaching.” ~ Professional Development Participant