OD, we need to talk.

And gather, and dream, and act for THE WORLD.


Humanity is in deep crisis. Life on the planet is at risk. Our everyday strategies, patterns and plans are no longer sufficient for meeting the challenges of our times. Yet, as people in Organisational Development, we can make a real difference to what leadership means for the world. Isn't this the time to stand together and act?

This is a call to join us as a movement to address critical questions together:

What is our responsibility as OD practitioners in confronting the crises we face as a planet?

Which unique gifts do we have to offer to the biggest questions of our time?

How do we take a stand as individuals and organisations to act for the good of the whole?

It's time to to be bold. To challenge and support each other. To chart a viable path together for a form of development that thrives with life.

Please join us.

Stepping Up for Life on Earth

OD for Life is a movement to connect practitioners from across Organisational and Leadership Development to help shape new narratives of progress characterized by care for all people and life on our planet. We plan to do so through three areas of work:

    1. A Manifesto — a co-created commitment to place life and future generations at the heart of our work.

    2. OD For Life Gatherings — events where we can connect, challenge and support actions towards a more regenerative, thrivable world.

    3. A Community of Practice hosted space for ongoing shared inquiry, insight, practice and exchange.

We are open to what the journey will lead to. A next key moment is a 'Basecamp Gathering' taking place in the Netherlands May 5 & 6 2022, followed by a series of continued conversations and gatherings through 2022.

A Space for deeper work

How might we do this work well? How do we need to gather if we are to bring something different — something more life-aligned — to the world? These are the components we envision:

Honest Inquiry

Let's start by being real about the state of the world, the facts, the forecasts, the things we are bound to.

Real-World Knowledge

Let's look to the stories and patterns that demonstrate meaningful change already, today.

Courageous Action

Let's dare to take on the experiments, the conversations, the actions that represent change in our systems.

experiences with Nature

Let's learn directly with and from nature — opening up to many forms of knowing by returning to 'source'.

I'M IN !

JOIN US for our first in-person Gathering in May 2022