How to Prepare for the Watson Career Expo

Before the Career Expo...

Become familiar with the companies beforehand. 

It is not a great first impression to approach the representative and ask "What does your company do?" 
Be prepared and have a few questions ready! Have the ability to speak about how your current experiences align with their organization.

Prepare a 30-second elevator pitch! 

In your pitch, include your name, class year, short review of your experiences (choose from  work, internships, leadership, research, etc.), an explanation of why you are interested in that particular company,  strong closing asking a question.
Click here for a 60-second YouTube clip explanation, and here for a concrete example! 

Dress Professionally

During the expo, you are making a first impression to the employers, so be sure to be well-groomed and choose attire that demonstrates your professionalism from first the glance!

During the Career Expo...

Make as many genuine connections as you can.

Look through the list of companies prior to the fair and plan who you'd like to connect with. Plan to speak with an absolute minimum of five employers. 

Demonstrate strong body language.  

Approach each table with confidence! Keep in mind that the companies all have open roles and are eager to find strong candidates. 
Introduce yourself as you enter each table by stating your class year and major. Get the conversation going by elaborating on a high level overview of your experience, and then ask a question! 

Is your conversation going well? 

Ask for next steps and contact information! Send a follow up email and/or LinkedIn connection message.

Show your personality!

Remember to always be professional, but don't be afraid be yourself! 
Be genuine and allow the companies and organizations to get to know YOU.

After the Career Expo... 

Maintain the connection!

Follow up! This is how you build your network. Connect on LinkedIn and add a personalized note to the invite, or send an email thanking them for the conversation and express your interest in keeping in touch.  

Send a thank you!

Reach out after the expo with a "thank you" -  whether it's an email or phone call to thank them for their time and further expressing interest.
Use clear, professional communication. Need help or advice? Use this guide or email Watson Career and Alumni Connections at and we can assist you!