
Curriculum Vitae

CV (September 2022)

Academic Publications

“Seats, Votes, and Partisanship.” forthcoming. in Partisanship Reconsidered, Jeremy C. Pope and Christopher F. Karpowitz eds. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.

“Polarization as a Function of Chamber Size.” 2022. Journal of Political Institutions and Political Economy, 3: 1–16. with Gregory Robinson and Matthew Walz.

“Do Redistricting Commissions Avoid Partisan Gerrymanders?” 2021. American Politics Research. with Robin Best, Steve Lem, and Michael D. McDonald.

“Detecting Florida’s Gerrymander: A Lesson for Law and Social Science.” 2020. Social Science Quarterly, 101(1): 37–52. with Robin Best, Jonathan Krasno, and Michael D. McDonald.

“Making a Case for Two Paths Forward in Light of Gill v. Whitford.” 2018. Election Law Journal, 17(4), pp.315-327. with Robin Best, Shawn J. Donahue, Jonathan Krasno, and Michael D. McDonald.

Backward Induction in the Wild: Evidence from the U.S. Senate. 2018. American Economic Review, 108 (July): 1971--2013. with B. Pablo Montagnes and Jorg L. Spenkuch.

“Gerrymandering” in Challenges of U.S. Electoral Integrity eds. Pippa Norris, Sarah Cameron and Thomas Wynter. New York: Oxford University Press. forthcoming. with Robin Best, Shawn J. Donahue, Jonathan Krasno, and Michael D. McDonald.

Can Gerrymanders Be Measured? An Examination of Wisconsin’s State Assembly.” 2018. American Politics Research, published online 14 May 2018. with Robin Best, Shawn J. Donahue, Jonathan Krasno, and Michael D. McDonald.

A New Approach for Developing Neutral Redistricting Plans.” 2018. Political Analysis, 26(2): 147--167. with Daniel Mosesson.

Amendment Politics and Legislative Agenda Setting: A Theory with Evidence from the U.S. House of Representatives.” 2018. Journal of Law Economics and Organization, 34(1): 108--131. with Nathan Monroe and Gregory Robinson.

Values and Validations: Proper Criteria for Comparing Standards of Packing Gerrymandering.” 2017. Election Law Journal, 17(1): 82--84. with Robin Best, Shawn J. Donahue, Jonathan Krasno, and Michael D. McDonald.

Considering the Prospects for Identifying a Gerrymandering Standard.” 2017. Election Law Journal, 17(1): 1--20. with Robin Best, Shawn J. Donahue, Jonathan Krasno, and Michael D. McDonald.

Putting the Brakes on Greased Wheels: The Politics of Weak Obstruction in the United States Senate. 2017. Congress and the Presidency, 44(3): 344--368. with Molly Reynolds.

Popularity, Polarization, and Political Budget Cycles.” 2014. Public Choice, 159:3-4: 457--467. with Marek Hanusch.

Completed Manuscripts

“Constituency Size and the Perpetuation of Bias in Single Member Districts.” with Gregory Robinson.Under review.

“Assessing Wasted Votes as an Indicator of Partisan Gerrymandering.” with Jonathan Krasno and Gregory Robinson. Under review.

“Vote Buying with Endogenous Agenda Setting”

“Why Do Governments Pay for Your Research? The Political Economy of Science Funding Decisions.” with Arthur Lupia.

“Assessing Gerrymandering after the 2020 Census.” with Michael D. McDonald

“The Myth of Inevitability: Southern Control of Congressional Committees in the Civil Rights Era.” with Gisela Sin

Conference Committee Outcomes and Their Implications for Legislative Organization.”

“Counterfactual Apportionment: Making Inferences About the Effects of Malapportionment with evidence from Malaysia.” with Hilary J. Izatt.

Selected Working Papers

“Why do Governments Pay for Your Research? The Political Economy of Science Funding Decisions.” with Arthur Lupia.

“Extending the Legislative Game: The Decision to Resolve House-Senate Differences Though a Conference Committee.”

“Detecting Gerrymanders: An Empirical Demonstration from New York State.” with Michael D. McDonald, Jonathan Krasno, Robin E. Best, Joshua N. Zingher, and Daniel Mosesson.


“Neutral Redistricting Using a Multi-level Weighted Graph Partition Algorithm.” Patent under review: U.S. Provisional Patent Application No. 62/510,529. May 2017. with Daniel B. Mosesson. Filed by the Research Foundation of the State University of New York.