Graduate Students

Current Students

Alex MacKnight, MS expected May 2024, Microbialites and water chemistry, Fayetteville Green Lake, NY.

Naomi Hertz, MS expected May 2024, Bedrock mapping and surficial deposits, Fayetteville Green Lake, NY, application of ground penetrating radar.

Mari Kelley, MS expected May 2025, Unmixing pigment: Application of Postive Maxtrix Factorization for art and artifacts.

Former Students (including first post-graduation position)

Ryan Kenyon, MS’15 (Geologist - Apache Corp), Fluvial-deltaic deposition within an evolving lacustrine basin, the Farson Sandstone Member of the Eocene Green River Formation, Southwestern Wyoming, USA 

Brandon Tufano, MS’16 (Geologist - Roux Associates), Coupled flexural-dynamic subsidence modeling of a retro-foreland basin, Western Canada Sedimentary Basin

Ethan Spiegel, MS’16 (Geologist - EcolSciences), Chemostratigraphy of the Trenton Group and Utica Shale using XRF, XRD, Gamma Ray, and FTIR spectroscopy in the Mohawk Valley of central New York

Daniel Miserendino, MS’17 (Geologist - Roux Associates), Detailed sedimentology and inorganic geochemistry of the Utica Shale and Dolgeville Formation of the central Mohawk Valley, NY

Ryan Brembs, MS’17 (Earth Science Teacher - Vestal High School), Cyclostratigraphy and chemostratigraphy in the Parachute Creek Member of the Eocene Green River Formation, eastern Uinta Basin, Utah

Abby Dennett, MS’19, (Geologist - Hess Corp), Rhenium-osmium isotope systematics: Applications of osmium isotope stratigraphy and geochronology in lacustrine organic-rich mudstones of the Green River Formation, eastern Uinta Basin, Utah

Joshua Novello, MS'20 (Geologist - Southwestern Energy), Unlocking the secrets of the Wasatch and Green River formations using lithostratigraphy, XRF chemostratigraphy, and sedimentary petrology in the Great Divide Basin, Wyoming, U.S.A.

Josefina Vizcaíno, MS'21, (Geologist - YPF, national oil company of Argentina), Fulbright scholar, Characterizing the transition from high energy deposits of the Trenton Group limestone to lower energy deposits of the Flat Creek Shale in the Taconic Foreland Basin, eastern Mohawk Valley, New York State 

Tyler Rust, PhD, PhD’22, Characterizing marine mudstones: Towards a statistical approach to interpret XRF data.

Louis Meyer, MS’22, (Geologist – EWMA) Microbialites of Fayetteville Green and Round lakes: Mapping, imagery, and geophysical investigations.

Gustavo Villarruel, MS’22, (PhD student McGill University) Fulbright scholar, Detailed sedimentology and chemostratigraphy of the Trenton Group limestones in the Mohawk Valley of New York.

Madeleine Pels, MS’23 (PhD student Colorado School of Mines), Identification of submarine groundwater discharge plumes along the coast of Rapa Nui and their association with ancient settlements.