The DReaM Team


Lab Director

William M. Hayes, Ph.D.

Dr. William Hayes is the director of the DReaM Lab and an Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychology at Binghamton University. A transplant from the southeastern United States, he received a B.S. in psychology from North Greenville University, a M.A. in psychology from the University of North Carolina at Wilmington, and a Ph.D. in experimental psychology from the University of South Carolina, where he studied under the mentorship of Dr. Douglas Wedell. Before coming to Binghamton in August 2023, he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in Dr. Jennifer Trueblood's Computational Decision Making Lab at Indiana University. 

When he's not modeling decisions, Dr. Hayes enjoys listening to music and playing the piano, shamelessly watching hours of college football on Saturdays (born and raised in SC), traveling, drinking strong coffee and trying new foods.


Current Members

Undergraduate Research Assistants

Trevor Rosenthal

Trevor is a senior pursuing a bachelor's degree in psychology at Binghamton University. He is excited to be working in the DReaM lab because he has always been fascinated with indecision among people and what causes people to have difficulties when making decisions. A fun fact about Trevor is that he loves to go snowboarding in the winter and he enjoys taking pictures with his friends. He is unsure of his current career path after graduating college, but he's very interested in continuing his education in psychology and obtaining a PhD.  

Joelle Sacks

Joelle is a junior psychology major on the pre-medicine track with a minor in theatre. She is fascinated by cognitive and behavioral psychology and is very excited to be working with the DReaM lab on decision making experiments! In her free time, Joelle enjoys singing in the Binghamton Vibes a cappella group and being outside in nature. 

Michael Kim

Michael Kim is pursuing a bachelor's degree in Psychology at Binghamton University. He is interested in the processes behind our judgments and how they relate to optimization. In his spare time, he enjoys going bouldering with his friends during the weekends. After graduating, he would like to pursue a master's degree in IO psychology, once he saves up enough money.

Madeline Duran

Madeline is a senior majoring in psychology. She is fascinated by how people make decisions and looking forward to gaining hands-on experience in the lab. In her free time she likes to run, listen to podcasts, and broaden her knowledge in various fields of psychological research.

Elaine Yu

Elaine is a sophomore majoring in psychology with a pre-medicine concentration and a minor in studio arts. She joined the DReaM lab because she is interested in how the decisions people make can be scientifically measured and analyzed in a laboratory setting, as well as how AI can influence those decisions. Outside of the lab, she works as a peer advisor for the psychology department. A fun fact about her is that she is a big fan of Snoopy from the Peanuts comics. In the future, she hopes to go to medical school and pursue a career as a psychiatrist.

Nadiah Layne

Nadiah is a current sophomore pursuing a major in psychology and a minor in forensic health. Post college, Nadiah hopes to pursue a doctoral degree in clinical psychology with a focus in forensic psychology. Her ultimate goals are to work with the incarcerated population to help others understand trauma and thus use that to develop post-lock up rehabilitative and restorative measures. Two fun facts about Nadiah are that she is currently studying Mandarin and she loves doing Martial Arts!

Kaylee LoPiccolo

Kaylee is a sophomore majoring in Integrative Neuroscience with a minor in Digital and Data Studies. She is fascinated by the various intricate details involved with the human brain and is excited to incorporate machine learning into the world of psychology. In her free time, she enjoys dancing with the Evolution Dance Company and loves going on trips with her friends. Although she is unsure of the specific path she would like to pursue after graduation, she is very interested in going to graduate school and obtaining a PhD.