
Interested in becoming a member?

The CDBN is always looking for new faculty with common scientific interests to join our Center.  Members of the CDBN enjoy a wide range of benefits, including eligibility to apply for research funds, graduate student travel support, and use of our facilities. In return, we ask that Center members credit the CDBN when submitting grant applications and to acknowledge the CDBN in publications where appropriate. Historically, most members of the CDBN have been faculty from the Psychology and Biological Sciences departments, although any faculty or full time research scientists whose research aligns with the mission of the CDBN are eligible to apply for membership.  To join, simply send an email request to the Center Director with a recent copy of your CV and we will get back to you shortly.

Current Members

Behavioral Neuroscience

Christopher Bishop 

Abbie Chapman

Terrence Deak

Marvin Diaz 

Patricia DiLorenzo** 

Anny Gano

J. David Jentsch

Anushree Karkhanis

Polliana Toledo Nunes

Lisa Savage 

Lena Varlinskaya

Florence Varodayan 

David Werner 

Cognitive Psychology

Stefania Conte

Peter Gerhardstein

Clinical Psychology

Meredith Coles 

Brandon Gibb

Jennifer Gillis

Nadine Mastroleo

Richard Mattson 

Ray Romanczyk

Emily Zale

**indicates Emeritus faculty

Affiliated Scientists

Ricardo Pautassi

Juan C. Molina

Molly Deak