The Skyview High School Impact team invites you to:

The Skyview High School IMPACT Resource Page

Welcome to the power of one:

Skyview’s Impact Team

“Impacting through the Power of One”

The purpose of the Impact Team at Skyview High School is to guide, unite and empower all students, staff and our community with support to increase an individual’s social and emotional learning. The underlying belief is that all individuals deserve caring relationships in a positive culture, which will allow them to reach their full academic potential. This will be accomplished as we work with the Guiding Coalition and the School Community & Culture Teams to develop opportunities for education, mentorship, advisory, data collection, and use of evidence based strategies.


  • The Skyview High School Advisory will promote meaningful relationships between staff and students by providing a continued strong support system. Advisory will be built upon regular meetings throughout the school year.

  • The Skyview Advisory periods will provide a structured small-group time to support students with academic advice, college and career readiness, growth/learning mindset, social/emotional concerns and more.

responsibilities of advisors

  • To act as both Advocate and Mentor to students in advisory group.

  • To encourage advisees to participate and believe in Skyview culture. Share opportunities for your group to get involved, and feel they have a place at Skyview, and know they are valued.

  • To facilitate meeting discussions based on assigned topic, lesson, activity, or questions.

  • To address student concerns, help them to find solutions to their current problems, concerns, questions, etc.

  • ***If this requires further guidance, please communicate with School Counselors, Specialists, Assistant Principals, etc.***

responsibilities of advisees

  • To actively engage in Student Advisory, by being present, and participating.

  • To be involved in and promote a safe, healthy and positive school culture.

  • To develop, build-on, and achieve academic and future goals .

  • To be active in helping to solve their current problems and concerns.

  • To depend on and access an advisor, or other staff/ student mentor when support is needed.

Purpose of Student Mentorship Program

Skyview High School commits to providing educational excellence by empowering and inspiring students. By focusing on the power of one, staff and students can build positive and meaningful relationships.

Goals for Student Mentorship Program

  • With professional support and guidance, provide a system to effectively assimilate students to the school culture and environment.

  • Provide an opportunity for students and staff to connect in a meaningful way that enhances the high school experience.

Responsibilities of Mentors:

  • The mentor has to be a member of the staff at Skyview High School

  • The mentor is willing to devote at least 1 hour per month to invest in the mentorship. Times will voluntarily be decided between mentor and student .

  • The mentor demonstrates interpersonal and communication skills, and projects respect for multiple perspectives.

  • The mentor is committed to improving the academic achievement of all students.

  • The mentorship role is not as a counselor or therapist. Address student concerns and help them to find solutions. * If a student expresses concerns that require further guidance, please communicate with School Counselors, Specialists, Assistant Principals, etc.

Responsibilities of Students:

  • The student will remain open-minded and actively participate in the staff mentor to student program.

  • The student will make every effort to attend planned meetings.

Purpose of New Staff Mentorship Program

Skyview High School commits to providing educational excellence by empowering and inspiring students and staff with opportunities for success. With this in mind, the two year mentoring program is designed to help new teachers access the resources needed to become the best teacher possible

Goals for New Staff Mentoring Program

  • Provide a system to effectively assimilate new teachers to the culture of the community and school environment.

  • Provide new teachers with professional support and guidance that will enhance teaching performance and student achievement.

Responsibilities of Mentors:

  • The mentor has to be tenured with at least two years of experience at Skyview.

  • The mentor is willing to devote at least 1.5 hours per month in different meeting settings between mentor and protege. Times will voluntarily be decided by mentor and proteges. The mentor commits to attending the new staff orientation for a half-day.

  • The mentor demonstrates interpersonal and communication skills, and projects respect for multiple perspectives.

  • The mentor is willing to participate in reflective conversation about teaching practices and give constructive advice. The mentor is willing to collaboratively work, create, and share instructional ideas and materials with beginning teachers.

  • The mentor is committed to improving the academic achievement of all students.

  • The mentor will help the new teacher build relationships with their fellow colleagues and administrators.

Purpose of the SMart lab

Due to Covid-19 this program is currently under construction. This section will be updated as soon as possible. Thank you for your patience and understanding.

Purpose of Skyview high school resiliency poll

  • The Skyview High School Resiliency Poll is organized by the Impact Team, and is one critical piece in identifying lagging skills and unsolved problems in students. The purpose of the poll is twofold; to empower families to address their child’s social and emotional skills and for Skyview to gather immediate data to develop meaningful interventions.

  • The Poll allows parents and students secure access to student results on resiliency indicators and risk factors. If a student lacks a skill in a certain area, parents will be able to connect with resources to assist their child (online, through the school and in the community).

  • Data from the poll will provide critical information for the Impact Team to develop school and community interventions. These interventions and systems of support will assist students in embracing a growth mindset and enhancing their social/emotional learning, which can lead to academic achievement and college/career readiness. *On average, global research has shown that as students grow in Resiliency Poll categories (optimal, satisfactory, moderate concern, at-risk), their GPA improves by 12% and standardized test scores improve by 15%.