Mrs. Radovich

Extra Help is available from 7:30-7:50am.

Extra Help is available at Lunch and 3:00-3:30 (except Wed) with other teachers (Room 104 & 115).

Study Sessions on Test Mornings (Subject to Change).

Peer Tutoring is available on Wednesday's at 2:15-3:15 in room 104.

About me

Hey guys! I love nerdy math puns as you can see from the image on the left. ☺️ I also love photography! Actually, the nature photo above, is a photo I took not that far from our town. It's a way for me to admire the world and how beautiful it can be. Another thing I love to do is teach!

I get asked a lot why I chose to teach Math of all things. All I can say is that I wasn't always the brightest student, but I liked the challenge. And persevering through challenging things is something all people can learn! I also liked the structure and how it leads from one element to the next. But most of all, I love working and getting to know these awesome young learners! There's a quote in my room that I firmly believe in: "The Future of the World is in My Classroom."

~Mrs. Rad

Developing a Growth Mindset


I’m not good at this What am I missing?

I give up I’ll use a different strategy

It’s good enough Is this really my best work?

I can’t make this any better I can always improve

This is too hard This may take some time

I made a mistake Mistakes help me to learn

I just can’t do this I’m going to train my brain

I’ll never be that smart I will learn how to do this!


Here are some resources that you might find helpful!


Grades are based primarily on achievement of the objectives (meaning a strong understanding has been reached) in each unit. Each student can prove this by aiming for a goal of 80% or better on each idea that is assessed. In order to reach that goal, tests can be retaken outside of class once a student has met with Mrs. Rad to develop a plan for continued learning and required extra practice is completed. Daily practice will be assigned and completion is expected. Daily practice is crucial to the discipline of mathematics! Basically, learn the material... get the grade!

What is Standards Based Grading? Explore new concepts. Practice skills. Make mistakes. Analyze and fix mistakes. Assess the skills. Analyze and fix mistakes. Practice skills. Assess the skills. Repeat as necessary.

The process of Standards-Based Grading.