BreakoutEdu digital Holiday games

Breakout Edu games can be a fun way to engage your students in content, as well as explore collaboration, problem solving, critical thinking skills, perseverance and grit. Rather than use a box with locks, try out some of these FREE digital breakout games. These games can be completed on any device, and students unlock the codes digitally - no boxes, locks or bolt cutters (LOL) needed! Click the games below to check out the teacher instructions. You will need to sign in or create a free account on the Breakout Edu Platform to access the games. To play, just share the game URL with your students in Google Classroom, Seesaw, your class website, etc. You can have students play independently, whole group or in partners.

This one isn't digital, but it is a great opportunity for K-1 students to try a Breakout Edu game! (If you need to borrow a box for this game, let your TIS know!)