English 3

MLA Citation Information

When creating a works cited entry for a website, follow the formula below. Do NOT rely on websites like EasyBib or Citation Machine, as these often format the sources incorrectly. Include as much of the following as you can.


Last name, First name of author. “Title of Article.” Title of website, publisher, publication date, URL. Accessed 15 January 1900.

Title of Website: This is found at the top of the page in the webpage’s header.

Publisher: This is usually found at the bottom of the page with the copyright information.

Publication date: This should be as specific as possible, but if all that is provided is a copyright year, use that. If there are no dates anywhere on the page, type n.d. instead.

URL: Copy and paste this from the website, but remove the http://

The accessed date is the date that you read the article, not today’s date.


Graff, Henry and Allan Nevins. “George Washington: President of the United States.” Encyclopedia Britannica, Encyclopedia Britannica, Inc, 12 October 2017. www.britannica.com/biography/George-Washington. Accessed 10 November 2017.

The Crucible Full Text

If you miss a day of school, you need to read what you missed of The Crucible. This link connects you to the full text of the play.

Sample Note Cards - Argumentative Essay

Sample Note Cards Website.pptx

TinyCards, Words 1-25

  1. First, go to tinycards.duolingo.com and create a new account. (If you use Duolingo, you can use your Duolingo account.)
  2. After you have an account, click here to access the current vocabulary list.
  3. Once there, "pin" the deck so that it is easier to access later, including with the app on your cell phone.