
I HATE Writing:

A Reflection on  Memoir

Let me make myself clear! I HATE WRITING! And I especially hate writing deep, reflective things about myself. I don’t journal, or blog, or write letters and cards to friends and family. 

Writing has always been something that I have struggled with. Spelling is difficult for me, I get all the letters but not in the correct order. I LOVE spellcheck. I think that struggle always overshadowed my writing as a child. I never was able to move to a place where writing was a fun way to express myself or my ideas. 

I attempted each of the pieces we did in our training. My “Dear Self” letter is still just that, an opening. Maybe I fear reflecting on my accomplishments or lack of accomplishments. I wonder why it is so easy to focus on the failures and not the wins. 

The one piece of my memoir I like is my “Where I’m From” poem. That actually took me weeks to write. I have added audio because I think these poems need to be heard. Plus, I am a talker. 

I have always wanted to be a writer, someone who could easily express themselves through writing. I felt that National Boards would have been much easier if writing was not so hard. I also feel I would have had a better chance of being selected as Iditorad Teacher on the Trail if I had been a better writer. 

Did I mention I HATE WRITING?

_🗝️ K. Busch Reflection Rubric-Portfolio year 1 .pdf