Reflection 2023

Looking at my project, I have a lot to learn before this project is any closer to the present. When I started this project, the idea was to replicate the High School 101 program offered at Senior in August to prepare Indigenous students entering ninth grade to be successful at school. Through my research, I learned that most states have a similar program to retain at-risk students and help them succeed. 

The first idea was to interview students who had gone through the High School 101 program and see if participating in it had made a difference in their first year of school at Senior. That was vetoed because student privacy is essential, and getting the information I needed was not allowed. Then I started looking at what I could do to continue with my question but in a less intrusive way. I pivoted to researching a variety of transitions from middle school to high school programs in the United States. I plan to develop a list of protective factors that helped these students succeed and graduate from high school. 

The second idea is to create a similar program that can be implemented at the high school for MLL students and at-risk students that may not qualify for High School 101. I look at some of my students and wish they had a similar program and had been able to connect with a staff member before entering the school.  Connections help students feel that they belong and want to do their best. It also provides someone they trust to come and talk about their problems with the school to help them succeed. 

Finally, I want to come up with a program that helps freshman students create a connection with someone on staff that they can count on throughout their years at Senior. Most of my research has shown that if a student creates a connection with someone at school, they have a higher chance of graduating and finishing on time. Students that do not create those connections may become frustrated, and when things get too difficult they tend to give up and drop out. 

🗝️ J. Barreto Reflection Rubric-Portfolio MIT23 .pdf