Innovative Educational 

Tax Credit - HB408

Benefit Education and Students Save on Your 2024 Tax Bill

The 2023 Legislature authorized enhanced tax credit opportunities for Montanans to support their local public schools through House Bill 408.  Beginning January 1, 2024, you can make cash donations directly to Billings Public Schools and get a dollar-for-dollar tax credit on your state tax bill starting in 2024. 

Innovative Educational Program Tax Credit

Your donation will directly benefit key innovative educational programs for students in Billings Public Schools.

Make Your Donation EARLY

Time is CRITICAL to have your donation QUALIFY for the dollar-for-dollar tax credit, which is available on a first-come, first-serve basis.  In 2022, the $1 million cap was reached in under six minutes.  

Important donation caps to be aware of this year:

*Individuals or corporations can donate up to $200,000 per year for innovative educational programs.

*The aggregate amount of tax credits that may be claimed statewide in 2024 is $5 million

*Innovative Tax Credit Info - Billings Public Schools

How It Works

The Department of Revenue (DOR) portal for school districts to enter donations to qualify for the Innovative Educational Tax Credit opens at 10am on January 17, 2024.

Billings Public Schools is registered in the DOR portal and ready to go. 

Donations in the form of a check need to be received prior to entering the donor's gift in the DOR portal.  Please complete the below form along with submitting a check for your donation to Billings Public Schools.

YES - I want to donate!    

Innovative Educational Tax Credit Form or see form below.

If your donation is approved by DOR, Billings Public Schools will provide you with a receipt verifying the tax credit from the DOR.

Need More Information?  Have Questions?

Resources and FAQs

Tax Credits for Qualified Education Contributions Guide and Information

*Individual and/or Business Donation capped at $200,000.

*The credit when issued is nonrefundable and can be carried forward for up to three years.

Department of Revenue Information

Track the Credit Available -                                                  DOR Educations Portal 

Department of Revenue - FAQs

Contact Information - Billings Public Schools

Craig VanNice - (406-281-5017)         

Krista Hertz (406-281-5031)  

Contact Information - 

Department of Revenue

Dona Losett - (406) 444-1991

Your donation will make a direct impact on students and public education in Billings.  

Please remember your donation is time sensitive as the DOR has capped the total tax credit available for the state of Montana at $5 million. Once this amount is reached, donations will no longer qualify for the dollar-for-dollar tax credit.  Your consideration, support, and investment in our students, educators, and schools is greatly appreciated.  - It takes a Village!