6th Grade Ancient History

OVERVIEW: ANCIENT CIVILIZATIONS In sixth grade, students learn about those people and events that ushered in the dawn of major Western and non-Western civilizations. Included are the early societies of Mesopotamia, Greece, Rome, China, and Montana’s Indians.


Introduces how people lived before modern conveniences. Topics include food and water, shelter, staying warm, transportation, money (currency) and communication - within the context of the "natural community". The film features interviews with Montana Tribal representatives and shows the ways in which these traditions continue. Includes a Blackfoot story told by Narcisse Blood. 

Teacher's Guide

The Traditional Games video includes filmed demos of Native American games of Intuition, estimation, and mental focus, games to build physical skills, and team games. It features interviews done in East Glacier in the summer of 2016 with tribal members

Students learn the tribes of Montana, signs for the tribes, and names they call themselves. Through map reference, students learn where tribes used to live and where they live now. They also recognize communication errors through translation of sign language. Historic film clips from a sign-talker gathering in 1930 and interviews with Montana tribal representatives are featured. 

Teacher's Guide

Correction Notice

Drawing on a wealth of historical resources, students learn about the challenges people face when communicating with people who speak another language. Focus is on ways Native peoples of Montana communicated with each other and with non-Indians.

Teacher's Guide