High School Science

Earth Science 

Mountain Building 

Plenty Coups Vision - The Missoulian 

Encyclopedia of the Great Plains 



 Marissa Spang M.Ed. Northern Cheyenne and Crow   Living our Relations: How to Practice Plant Knowledge

In this video, Marisa explore many topics that Biology Teachers will find useful. 

Additional Resources 

(Grades9-12) The 10,00 Year Significance of the Bison 

The Land Tenure foundation - An interdisciplinary Indian land tenure curriculum designed to align with existing Minnesota state standards and is adaptable to include the history and culture of the region’s Indian nations.

Alaska Native Perspective on Climate and Weather - As the environmental, economic, and political consequences of climate change are felt in Alaska, the Arctic, and throughout the world, we have much to learn from both the traditional knowledge of Native peoples and ongoing scientific research. These two methods of observing nature and solving the challenges of survival can provide complementary perspectives on these issues. This collection looks at Alaska’s unique geology and the impact of development and climate change using both of these tools, and features Alaska Native scientists who are working toward solutions 

Living with the Land  -Some Native American tribes moved from region to region with the seasons

Native Knowledge 360 American Indian Response to Environmental Changes 

Native American Life in the Rocky Mountains - National Park Field trip Guide