Falcon Finale Committee 2024


Chair - Jena Laughery -  skyviewfalconfinale88@gmail.com

Secretary - Angie Stokes  -  falconfinalesecretary@gmail.com

Treasurer - Jenny Jasper   -  falconfinalefunds@gmail.com

BAHSGCC Reps - Jana Stevenson and Gina Walsh

Committee Chairs

Games - Ryan Spoonmore and Stephanie Maroncelli

Prizes - Angela Guardipee

Food - Amy Carter

Setup & Cleanup - Stephanie Brown

Decorations - Candi Stapleton

Masterlube - Kacie Rodahl

Security - Brian Reichenbach

Volunteer Coordinator - Katie Hodges

Fundrasising - Jessica Wilkinson

Raffles - Jennifer Guidry

Pop Crush - Kristin Grant

Gainans - Gina Walsh

Publicity - Kandis Albertson

Binder Master/Website - Brandy Malcher

Join the team

There are many different positions within Falcon Finale that are needed to make a successful event.  Anyone is invited to help - whichever class you belong to - because honestly, senior year is hard!