Summer School Policies/Guidelines
Students cannot miss more than 2 days (excused or not) or they will be exited.
Overall rules for all students
1. All school/district rules and expectations stated in each high school's Student Handbook apply.
2. No food or drink allowed near the computers.
3. Cell phones may be used only before or after the student's session.
4. No tobacco/chemical use on the school campus.
5. No unauthorized internet use, computer games, etc...
6. Students need to bring a pencil/pen and notebook each day to be successful in their class.
7. Cheating will not be tolerated. Looking up answers on internet, clicking through lessons without
reading, or inputting a bypass code are reasons for immediate dismissal.
8. Computer or classroom vandalism is reason for dismissal.
9. Attendance:
Parents MUST call or send a note if their student is absent.
3 tardies = 1 absence
3 absences or inappropriate behavior will result in dismissal from the program.
Absences will interfere with course completion. It is imperative that your child attend their selected session.
Consequences for Rule Infractions
1st Infraction: Discipline write-up and a parent call
2nd Infraction: The student may only be allowed to complete the current course they are
working on; then they will be asked to leave OR face other consequences
OR immediate dismissal upon the Directors' discretion.