Why we Have Braids and Long Hair

New Video 2024

Old Video 2019

In this video, Billings Public School students discuss their experiences of having long hair and practicing their traditional American Indian Heritage.cloud.castus.tv/vod/comm7tv/private/65ce81b6e321dd0b80f03ba7?page=HOME 

Special thanks to the students that shared their story in the making of this video:

Special recognition for those who helped in the making of this video:

Billings Public Schools staff:

Rusty Ontiveros, Title VI Indian Education Home to School Coordinator

Carolyn Rusche, IEFA instructional coach

Jennifer Smith, Executive Director of Indian Education

Clinton Valandra, Title VI Indian Education Home to School Coordinator

Community Seven Television

Lesson Plan designed by Karry Woodard M.Ed. 

Enrolled Member of Oglala Sioux Tribe 

Website Regional Lesson Plan- Braids