Contact Info


The Family Resource Center is the epitome of collaboration, reducing duplication, and working to prevent the root causes of students not attending school or having the tools to succeed in school.  The FRC is the hub for our Community Liaisons who serve as trusted, knowledgeable resources for our school staff, students, and families. The ultimate goal of the FRC is to keep students attending school regularly and ensuring their basic needs are met so they are able to focus and achieve in school. BPS has identified students experiencing homelessness in each of our 34 school buildings in the 2023/24 school year. 

The FRC serves as the central location for community donations of food, clothing, school supplies, etc. to support students in need.  


Phone & Email

Community Liaisons - Schools Served

**Each of the BPS Community Liaisons is available to provide support but focus on specific schools to build relationships and support efficiency with location to best serve students, families, and our schools.**