How do I contact Ms. Biersdorf.
If you are not able to speak with Ms. Biersdorf in person, the easiest form of contact is by email (biersdorfj@billingsschools.org).
Reference the homepage of this site for information.
I need extra support, what can I do?
I am available before school (7:30-8 a.m.), after school (3-4 p.m.), and at lunch (by appointment). Please, speak with me before you come by for support to ensure that I am available.
BSH also offers after-school homework help. Reference the homepage of this site for the schedule.
Where can I find the Google Classroom for my class?
Type classroom.google.com into the search box on your Google page.
Locate the waffle icon on your Google page. Select the waffle and scroll down to Classroom.
Login to Clever and scroll down to Classroom.
To join a class, select the + icon and enter the appropriate code.
More Info on Google Classroom
Do I need to have access to an electronic device (Chromebook or laptop) at home?
In room 221, students will have access to a Chromebook while they are in class.
You will have an ample amount of class time to work on assignments - if it is not completed during the allotted class time, then students may come in before or after school to complete work or utilize there phone to access Google Classroom outside of school.
How do I know if I am missing an assignment? Can I turn in my missing work?
If a student is missing an assignment, then a zero will be inputted in PowerSchool and marked as missing. If a student is absent, the above info will be accompanied by an absent marker.
Google Classroom will also display assignments as missing if not turned in by the scheduled due date.
Any work that is marked as missing, can be turned in by the student on Google Classroom or in-person to Ms. Biersdorf.
I failed a test or an assignment, can I redo them?
There will be a lot of times this year when things are brand new and difficult. When introducing a new topic there will be times when you don't receive the highest marks. Please don't panic! We will continue to work through content till you are proficient.
Here is a breakdown of what you can and can't redo:
Practice assignments & In-class activities --> Corrections are not accepted. These types of assignments are to provide you with feedback on where you may be struggling in the content and what you will need to ask questions on or review.
Labs --> Speak with Ms. Biersdorf. If corrections are accepted, they will need to be turned in via Google Classroom.
Quizzes --> The correction of quizzes is on a quiz-by-quiz basis. When corrections are allowed, you will be provided class time to complete and ask questions.
Unit assessments & Finals --> Corrections are not accepted. These assignments are when you will showcase what you have learned over the last few weeks and may require you to study or review beforehand.
What happens if I am going on vacation? Can I get my work ahead of time?
Students may access Google Classroom from their electronic device to stay up-to-date with coursework.
The expectation is that student work will be completed in the same number of days missed. For examples, if you miss a week, then you have a week to turn in missed work.
Can I get extra credit to raise my grade?
Your grade is reflective of your proficiency in the course.
On rare occasions, a few extra credit points may be available for everyone in the course.
I don't know how to log into PowerSchool or my password isn't working.
As a student, if you can't sign into PowerSchool, then follow these steps:
Sign in to your Gmail account
username --> firstname.lastname@billingsschools.org
password --> student ID# (If it is not 8 digits long, then add 3-zeros in front of it.)
Create an 8-character password that you will remember.
This password will also work for PowerSchool.
PowerSchool District Code --> NMHT
If the app isn't working on your phone, then make sure the app is updated to the newest version.