BHS Quick Access Links for Digital Maine Library

Academic OneFile -- Discover a comprehensive collection of authorative periodicals and scholarly journals.

American FactFinder (US Census) -- Primary way to access Census Bureau data, including upcoming releases from the 2018 American Community Survey, 2017 Economic Census, 2020 Census and more.

Chilton Library -- Automotive maintenance, repair, and technical service bulletins. Step-by-step service and repair procedures, wiring diagrams, maintenance and specification tables, troubleshooting guides and diagnostic trouble codes, and ASE test prep. (Legislative Information)

Diversity Studies Collection -- Discover an essential set of scholarly journals and cultural interest titles.

EBSCOhost Ebook Collection -- A collection of 7,989 e-books on a wide variety of topics for all ages.

ERIC -- Education Resources Information Center

Gale Virtual Reference Library -- ebooks

Gale in Context: Environmental Studies

Google Translate

In Context (Gale) High School -- Presented at the High School level. Provides support for papers, projects, and presentations that reinforce development of academic skills like critical thinking and problem solving, communication, collaboration, creativity and innovation. Offers a selection of overviews, primary sources, videos and images.

Informe Academico -- Discover a comprehensive collection of publications supporting the most-studied disciplines in Latin America.

Info Trac Newstand -- A comprehensive collection of current and archival news content.

Maine Memory Network -- The Maine Memory Network, a project of the Maine Historical Society, provides access to thousands of historical items belonging to over 270 organizations from across Maine.

Merriam-Webster's 3rd International Dictionary, Unabridged

Online Reference Book Collection -- hard copies available in Media Center. (Remote Password: BHSlibrary/ User Name: Biddeford Password: Student)

Opposing Viewpoints in Context

Pro Citizen (A Pronunciator Language Learning Tool) --- Pronunciator is a fun and free way to learn any of 100 languages with Personalized Courses that include study guides and audio lessons, video phrases, movies, music, and more. LAUNCH THE INSTANT ACCESS BUTTON OR REGISTER TO KEEP TRACK OF YOUR PROGRESS.

Vocation and Career Collection --- Comphrenesive collection of periodicals supporting vocational education and career research.

World Book Encyclopedia

World Fact Book (CIA) -- Provides information on the history, people and society, government, economy, energy, geography, communications, transportation, military, and transnational issues for 267 world entities.