Pura Angelica Evia Mago





I extend a warm welcome to each of you as we embark on a transformative journey in the realm of Information Systems, with a special focus on Business Process. My name is Pura Angelica Evia Mago, and it is a privilege to be your instructor for this course. I bring with me a deep passion for Information Systems and a particular enthusiasm for dissecting and optimizing business processes.


Office Hours and Support:


I am committed to providing you with the necessary guidance and support to ensure your success in this course. My office hours are Monday 1-5 pm only, and I encourage you to reach out for further clarification, exploration of topics, or simply to discuss your interests in the field.


I am eager to embark on this educational journey with you, and I look forward to witnessing the growth and discoveries that lie ahead. Together, we will unlock the transformative potential of Information Systems within the context of business processes.
