
What is Schoology?

For the last few years, we have been using the website Schoology to share digital assignments with students who are learning in the classroom and at home.

Students will be able to access resources, lessons, assignments, and their digital grades on Schoology. It also has a tool to allow students and parents to send messages and questions about assignments on the same account.

How do I login to Schoology?

Click this button to log into Schoology. Students can log in using their clever cards or their Google Login information. This will allow students to access their account which includes their courses, assignments, digital grade book, and a messaging tool for contacting their teacher. Parents may also have the option of having an account to monitor their student. More information will be posted asap.

How do I navigate Schoology?

Like stated before, this is a new system for our school district and we are all learning the in and outs of the system. Please feel free to ask if you are stuck, or confused about how to use Schoology. Teachers are responsible for setting up their own courses, which I love! I plan to make the Schoology as easy to navigate as possible. If you would rather trouble shoot on your own, here are some resources that may help you figure out how to find what you are looking for.