Teachers Corner

Resources just for faculty: course specific content, curriculum websites, forms, and more! 

Course Specific Material

*Please allow a minimum of two days to process the request. 

Jon Cann's Trip Form:

BHSECQ+ for all your teacher/ form needs.


We have:


"A digital, open-access academic journal hosted on Bard Digital Commons. The journal is peer-reviewed, and includes articles by faculty and staff at early colleges and other leaders within the movement."

Some teacher tech tools to try out (list updated regularly):


A google extension that you can use to record comments and embed them into google docs- great for use with students who prefer verbal cues to written. Check out how Common Sense suggests its use here.

Immersive Reader

Immersive reader is a free tool that works with Microsoft Word to help improve reading fluency. Students can write/ dictate and hear their words read back to them. There are options for changes in speed, font, page layout. Try it out!

An extremely detailed map of New York neighborhoods (NYT)

Borders are identified based on the people that live in the neighborhoods

Artificial Intelligence  for Education:

Ditch That Textbook

How to use AI in the classroom


Try your hand at AI to generate a literature review

Understanding AI and GAI: a resource list

This is a resource guide put out by Computer Science for All 

DAY OF AI Curriculum

A full curriculum for high school and college students created by MIT Raise and i2Learning

Intro to AI for Teachers and Students

A series of youtube videos from the Wharton School, UPenn

Free course to demystify AI

University of Helsinki 

AI Glossary of Terms and more basic teacher tools (like how to create a timeline using AI) from TeacherMade.

Open Educational Resources (OER) are resources that faculty can Retain, Reuse, Remix, Revise, and Redistribute (5rs). They either pertain to the public domain or they are licensed to permit the 5rs. There are many opportunities to use OER in your classes. 

If you are wondering how to attribute your sources using OER, here is a tool to help you.