To contact Mr. Reiss use e-mail:

Mr. Reiss uses Google Classroom for all classes.

You will get class codes from Mr. Reiss in class.

Grading percentages and classroom expectations are available below.

Reiss Rules and Expectations - Google Docs.pdf

syllabus and grading policy for Intro to Geology

available below.

Schedule (2021-2022)

Period 2 (8 - 8:55) Integrated Physics with Mr. Johnson

Period 3 (9 - 9:55) Intro to Geology SEMESTER 2 (Astronomy) room 206

Period 4 (10 - 10:55) Lunch/Plan

Period 5 (11 - 11:55) Intro to Geology in room 201 SEMESTER 2 (Astronomy)

Period 6 (12 - 12:55) Integrated Physics with Ms. Beary in room 201

Period 7 (1 - 1:55) Plan/ Study Hall Semester 2

Period 8 (2 - 2:55) Integrated Physics in room 201