
Mr. O'Dell's Office Hours link: 10-11 am (M, W, Th)

Please don't hesitate to get in touch during office hours, or email with any questions, concerns or comments.

Grade 5

Grade 6

Grade 7

Grade 8

"What do we do in Design?"

Anything that has been created by humans has been Designed for a purpose: tools, clothes, furniture, transportation, phones, gaming devices, the code for those games ..and SO much more.

Here you'll learn about the Design Process:

Problem→Possible Solutions→Decide→Build→Test→[Redesign]→Final Result

We'll explore the creative process to problem solving through Virtual Design and Coding. We'll experiment with different types of Grid Drawings.

We'll learn how to use effective decision-making strategies to Work Smart & Be Efficient.

In the end, I hope you'll find that the value in Patience, Persistence, and Productivity is Success in Trying.

[Although Yoda might disagree: "Do or do not! There is no Try!"]