Course Descriptions & Google Classroom Codes

  Classes Taught

Course Descriptions

Business and Consumer Law

Business and Consumer Law makes real-world connections through practical information about the U.S. legal system and regulations affecting businesses, families, and individuals in their related roles. Knowledge of business and consumer law is useful for all students because all students eventually assume roles as citizens, workers, and consumers in their communities and in society at large. Students will explore areas such as ethics, criminal and civil law, consumer protection, and contract law. This course strives to empower students to be active, engaged citizens by equipping them with practical, relevant content that they can use in their daily lives while developing skills that are important for workplace success. 

Business Economics I

Economics influences the lives of everyone in the world. It affects your life when you earn money and then decide to spend money to buy something you need or want. In Business Economics I, we will study “microeconomics” which explains the choices made by individual consumers and producers in the marketplace. The course will show how individual choices affect supply and demand. We will study the organization of individual business firms and markets, ways to improve the market system, the labor market, and individual income. Understanding the fundamentals of economics will help you make better choices and decisions in the future. When combined with Business Economics II, this course is eligible for RACC dual enrollment credit. 

Business Economics II

Business Economics II introduces students to macroeconomics, the study of the economy as a whole. As students study macroeconomics, they learn why and how the world economy can change from month to month, how to identify trends in our economy, and how to use those trends to develop predictors of economic growth or decline. In addition to this, they will also examine how individuals, institutions, and influences affect people, and how those factors can impact everyone’s life through employment rates, government spending, inflation, taxes, and trade. When combined with Business Economics I, this course is eligible for RACC dual enrollment credit. 

Computer Applications

Computer Applications I provides students with hands-on computer experience using the essential software packages in use in the majority of business and private operations.  Students will learn to use word processing, spreadsheet, database, and presentation software to solve a variety of problems.  The specific applications software which will be used includes Microsoft Office Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint. 


Business and professional environments have undergone a rapid state of change to become more efficient.  New technologies and careers have been developed in contemporary offices with the advent of computers.  This course will help students develop the basic computer application skills of today’s entry-level employee who needs to be computer literate with hands-on skills.  These students may work in diverse environments in government, private industry, education, or social service organizations.


This course is offered as a dual enrollment course in which students may earn college credit.

Computer Applications II

Computer Applications II will develop and strengthen the students’ skills which were obtained in Computer Applications I.   This course enhances students’ skills using advanced features and functions of Microsoft Office which combines four microcomputer applications packages:  Word, Excel, Access, and PowerPoint.  Microsoft Office is widely used in business and education; advanced skills in these software packages will improve students’ ability with computers for business, educational, and personal needs.


This course is offered as a dual enrollment course in which students may earn college credit.

Freshman Seminar

In this semester course, students will gain insight into who they are as a student, how they can improve as a learner through various skills, strategies, and new techniques as well as benefit moving forward in their educational journey.


In this course, students will be whisked away to a magical classroom where they will learn how to cast buying spells on target markets, collect consumer data to concoct complete marketing plan potions, and understand the many techniques used to become a marketing wizard. Students will also work on the art of performances and creative thinking that are essential in becoming a top-of-the-line marketing wizard. 

Microsoft Office Specialist

The Microsoft Office Specialist course provides industry-leading assessments of skills and knowledge giving students real-world exercises to appraise their understanding of Microsoft Office. These skills will prepare them for future academic or workforce opportunities. 

Students will gain hands-on computer experience while completing extensive business problems and projects. After completion of these units, the students will be prepared to become certified as Microsoft Office Specialists in Excel, Word, and PowerPoint. These certifications will give students a professional edge with evidence of industry-recognized role-based skills. These skills will help them to get hired, get ahead, be productive faster, and give them the recognition they deserve. These certifications will also give them a professional advantage by providing globally recognized industry endorsed evidence of skills mastery, demonstrating their abilities and willingness to embrace new technologies. 

Technology for Today and Tomorrow

This course will allow students to obtain the skills necessary to obtain a G Suite Certification.  Current trends in business technology will be explored as well as various computer software program skills that can be used throughout a student’s high school and post-high school career.  A major emphasis will be placed on Google Drive, Gmail, Docs, Sheets, and Slides.      


Students who obtain the Google Cloud certification in G Suite demonstrate to prospective employers and colleges that they have a mastery of

G Suite applications and the ability to complete common workplace activities using cloud-based tools to create and share documents, spreadsheets, presentations, and files.  They also show prospective employers and colleges that they are fluent in digital collaboration tools.

The Art of Design and Presentation

This course will introduce students to the art of presenting information in various formats as well as allowing them to hone their public speaking skills.  These skills are essential components of every student’s education and are taught in order to maximize opportunities for students to acquire the skills necessary for academic and career success.  Projects in this class will emphasize real-world applications of technology and prepare students for higher learning and career readiness.  Students will develop essential technology and speaking skills that can be applied to any school project or in the workplace.

Word Processing

Word processing software is used by businesses across all industries throughout the world. It is a vital communication tool and is therefore one of the most critically important computer skills that students should learn. This course provides a comprehensive, skills-based experience designed to help produce professional documents. The course will show students how to apply word processing skills to their own life. Students will explore the power of word processing as they develop professional documents such as letters, resumes, and promotional flyers and incorporate relevant topics. From formatting paragraphs to working with graphics and visual elements with an emphasis on real-world scenarios and workplace readiness. The course showcases a variety of practical uses for word processing and gives students the tools they need to make word processing work for them. 

 Google Classroom Codes


Period 7 - aab6uwq 

Tech Today/Tomorrow

Period 2 - tu3dqwq 

Freshman Seminar

Period 1 -slfqvvy 

Period 4 - p3znuw7 

Microsoft Office Specialist

Period 6 - ge37tf6 

Word Processing

Period 3 - p3znuw7